Thursday, August 27, 2020

Implementing Change in Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Executing Change in Healthcare - Essay Example The fundamental issue with social insurance is that there are such a large number of patients needing a similar kind of medicinal services. This varieties tedium into the life of a heath care proficient and thus the representative gets exhausted of doing likewise work over and over. Likewise a worker gets de-spurred when patients continue accompanying similar illnesses and they feel that they aren't doing anything generous to support patients. For a worker to feel fulfilled, he/she ought to be put of occupation revolution with the goal that various types of employments are being done after like clockwork. Seeing various sicknesses and assisting to settle them, isn't just gainful for the representatives to learn new social insurance strategies, it likewise causes them to understand the significance of their employments. Such a circumstance calls for realizing an adjustment in the clinical calling. Regardless of whether a change is of significant extents or is impartially rather little, the change director must envision that individuals in the association are going to discover motivations to oppose changes. It is an essential principle of human conduct that any conviction or worth that has been already effective in addressing needs will oppose change. This applies regardless of whether there are better increasingly effective choices to address those issues. Protection from change takes numerous structures. ... Spectators Change Agents Aloof Active Vitality of Response Purposes behind Resistance The fundamental purpose behind opposition is the vulnerability of the new circumstance. Individuals like to lead their lives the manner in which they have been living in the past except if that life is completely inadmissible. Change is appended with antagonism and this inclination isn't completely off-base. Factors, for example, scaling back, change in working conditions, having another chief or another hierarchical structure is identified with having an adverse effect on these individuals. Kotter give four fundamental reasons why workers oppose change. 1. 'Parochial' Self-Interest - This conviction is that individuals are childish and they care just about themselves in this manner an adjustment in their encompassing will undoubtedly influence them therefore they oppose it. 2. Misconception - The subsequent explanation given by Kotter is that because of absence of legitimate correspondence and data/information about the change conceives obstruction from the workers. 3. Low Tolerance of Change. - Thirdly individuals need to carry on with the existence they have been living and need the security and soundness in their work. 4. Various appraisals of the circumstance - The last explanation is simply business natured. This explanation says that representatives in the business would either concur or differ with the change choice. A few people may see the upside of progress while others may consider the to be factors as the hindrances. Power Field Analysis The power field examination is a technique which helps in recognizing the most significant objective gatherings for a battle, distinguish contenders, it causes in recognizing how to impact these objective gatherings and aides in examination the perceived leverage with respect to an issue. The main thrusts are composed on the left while the limiting powers are composed

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chapter 21 Hermione’s Secret Free Essays

â€Å"Shocking business†¦ shocking†¦ marvel none of them died†¦ never heard the like†¦ by thunder, it was fortunate you were there, Snape†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Thank you, Minister.† â€Å"Order of Merlin, Second Class, I’d state. Top notch, in the event that I can wangle it!† â€Å"Thank you especially without a doubt, Minister. We will compose a custom paper test on Section 21 Hermione’s Secret or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now † â€Å"Nasty cut you’ve got there†¦ Black’s work, I suppose?† â€Å"As an obvious truth, it was Potter, Weasley, and Granger, Minister†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"No!† â€Å"Black had beguiled them, I saw it right away. A Confundus Charm, to decide by their conduct. They assumed there was a chance he was guiltless. They weren’t liable for their activities. Then again, their obstruction may have allowed Black to escape†¦ They clearly thought they were going to get Black independent. They’ve pulled off a lot before now†¦ I’m apprehensive it’s offered them a fairly high input of themselves†¦ and obviously Potter has consistently been permitted a phenomenal measure of permit by the dean â€â€Å" â€Å"Ah, well, Snape†¦ Harry Potter, you know†¦ we’ve all got somewhat of a vulnerable side where he’s concerned.† â€Å"And yet †is it bravo to be given so much extraordinary treatment? By and by, I attempt and treat him like some other understudy. Furthermore, some other understudy would be suspended †at any rate †for driving his companions into such peril. Consider, Minister †against all school rules †after all the safeguards set up for his security †beyond the field of play, around evening time, associating with a werewolf and a killer †and I have motivation to accept he has been visiting Hogsmeade unlawfully too â€â€Å" â€Å"Well, well†¦ we will see, Snape, we will see†¦ The kid has without a doubt been foolish†¦.† Harry lay tuning in with his eyes tight shut. He felt tired. The words he was hearing appeared to travel gradually from his ears to his mind, with the goal that it was hard to understand†¦. His appendages felt like lead; his eyelids excessively overwhelming to lift†¦. He needed to lie here, on this agreeable bed, forever†¦. â€Å"What astounds me more than anything is the conduct of the Dementors†¦ you’ve actually no thought what made them retreat, Snape?† â€Å"No, Minister†¦ when I had come ’round they were going to their situations at the entrances†¦.† â€Å"Extraordinary. But then Black, and Harry, and the young lady â€â€Å" â€Å"All oblivious when I contacted them. I bound and choked Black, normally, invoked cots, and presented to them all straight back to the castle.† There was an interruption. Harry’s mind appeared to be moving somewhat quicker, and as it did, a biting sensation developed in the pit of his stomach†¦. He opened his eyes. Everything was marginally obscured. Someone had evacuated his glasses. He was lying in obscurity medical clinic wing. At the finish of the ward, he could make out Madam Pomfrey with her back to him, twisting around a bed. Harry squinted. Ron’s red hair was noticeable underneath Madam Pomfrey’s arm. Harry moved his head over on the cushion. In the bed to his correct lay Hermione. Evening glow was falling over her bed. Her eyes were open as well. She looked froze, and when she saw that Harry was conscious, squeezed a finger to her lips, at that point highlighted the emergency clinic wing entryway. It was slightly open, and the voices of Cornelius Fudge and Snape were coming through it from the passageway outside. Madam Pomfrey now came strolling energetically up the dull ward to Harry’s bed. He went to took at her. She was conveying the biggest square of chocolate he had ever found in his life. It resembled a little stone. â€Å"Ah, you’re awake!† she said energetically. She set the chocolate on Harry’s bedside table and started breaking it separated with a little mallet. â€Å"How’s Ron?† said Harry and Hermione together. â€Å"He’ll live,† said Madam Pomfrey horridly. â€Å"As for both of you, you’ll be remaining here until I’m fulfilled you’re †Potter, what do you think you’re doing?† Harry was sitting up, returning his glasses on, and getting his wand. â€Å"I need to see the headmaster,† he said. â€Å"Potter,† said Madam Pomfrey soothingly, â€Å"it’s okay. They’ve got Black. He’s bolted away upstairs. The Dementors will play out the kiss any second now â€â€Å" â€Å"WHAT?† Harry bounced up; Hermione had done likewise. Be that as it may, his yell had been heard in the passageway outside; one second from now, Cornelius Fudge and Snape had entered the ward. â€Å"Harry, Harry, what’s this?† said Fudge, looking disturbed. â€Å"You ought to be sleeping †has he had any chocolate?† he asked Madam Pomfrey tensely. â€Å"Minister, listen!† Harry said. â€Å"Sirius Black’s blameless! Subside Pettigrew faked his own passing! We saw him this evening! You can’t let the Dementors do that thing to Sirius, he’s â€â€Å" Be that as it may, Fudge was shaking his head with a little grin all over. â€Å"Harry, Harry, you’re exceptionally confounded, you’ve experienced a horrible difficulty, lie down, presently, we’ve got everything under control†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"YOU HAVEN’T!† Harry shouted. â€Å"YOU’VE GOT THE WRONG MAN!† â€Å"Minister, tune in, please,† Hermione said; she had rushed to Harry’s side and was looking imploringly into Fudge’s face. â€Å"I saw him as well. It was Ron’s rodent, he’s an Animagus, Pettigrew, I mean, and â€â€Å" â€Å"You see, Minister?† said Snape. â€Å"Confunded, both of them†¦ Black’s done a generally excellent activity on them†¦.† â€Å"WE’RE NOT CONFUNDED!† Harry thundered. â€Å"Minister! Professor!† said Madam Pomfrey irately. â€Å"I must demand that you leave. Potter is my patient, and he ought not be distressed!† â€Å"I’m not troubled, I’m attempting to mention to them what happened!† Harry said angrily. â€Å"If they’d simply listen â€â€Å" In any case, Madam Pomfrey abruptly stuffed an enormous lump of chocolate into Harry†s mouth; he gagged, and she held onto the chance to drive him back onto the bed. â€Å"Now, it would be ideal if you Minister, these kids need care. It would be ideal if you leave.† The entryway opened once more. It was Dumbledore. Harry gulped his significant piece of chocolate with incredible trouble and got up once more. â€Å"Professor Dumbledore, Sirius Black â€â€Å" â€Å"For heaven’s sake!† said Madam Pomfrey insanely. â€Å"Is this a medical clinic wing or not? Dean, I should demand â€â€Å" â€Å"My expressions of remorse, Poppy, however I need a word with Mr. Potter and Miss Granger,† said Dumbledore tranquilly. â€Å"I have quite recently been conversing with Sirius Black â€â€Å" â€Å"I assume he’s revealed to you a similar fantasy he’s planted in Potter’s mind?† spat Snape. â€Å"Something about a rodent, and Pettigrew being alive â€â€Å" â€Å"That, without a doubt, is Black’s story,† said Dumbledore, studying Snape intently through his half-moon displays. â€Å"And does my proof mean nothing?† growled Snape. â€Å"Peter Pettigrew was not in the Shrieking Shack, nor did I see any indication of him on the grounds.† â€Å"That was on the grounds that you were taken out, Professor!† said Hermione genuinely. â€Å"You didn’t show up so as to hear.† â€Å"Miss Granger, HOLD YOUR TONGUE!† â€Å"Now, Snape,† said Fudge, frightened, â€Å"the youngster is upset in her brain, we should offer lenient gestures â€â€Å" â€Å"I might want to address Harry and Hermione alone,† said Dumbledore unexpectedly. â€Å"Cornelius, Severus, Poppy †it would be ideal if you leave us.† â€Å"Headmaster!† faltered Madam Pomfrey. â€Å"They need treatment, they need rest â€â€Å" â€Å"This can't wait,† said Dumbledore. â€Å"I must insist.† Madam Pomfrey tightened her lips and walked away into her office toward the finish of the ward, hammering the entryway behind her. Fudge counseled the huge gold pocket watch dangling from his petticoat. â€Å"The Dementors ought to have shown up by now,† he said. â€Å"I’ll proceed to meet them. Dumbledore, I’ll see you upstairs.† He crossed to the entryway and held it open for Snape, yet Snape hadn’t moved. â€Å"You without a doubt don’t accept an expression of Black’s story?† Snape murmured, his eyes fixed on Dumbledore’s face. â€Å"I wish to address Harry and Hermione alone,† Dumbledore rehashed. Snape stepped toward Dumbledore. â€Å"Sirius Black indicated he was equipped for homicide at the period of sixteen,† he relaxed. â€Å"You haven’t overlooked that, Headmaster? You haven’t overlooked that he once attempted to execute me?† â€Å"My memory is comparable to it at any point was, Severus,† said Dumbledore discreetly. Snape changed direction suddenly and walked through the entryway Fudge was all the while holding. It shut behind them, and Dumbledore went to Harry and Hermione. The two of them burst into discourse simultaneously. â€Å"Professor, Black’s coming clean †we saw Pettigrew †he got away from when Professor Lupin transformed into a werewolf â€â€Å" â€Å"†he’s a rodent â€â€Å" â€Å"†Pettigrew’s front paw, I mean, finger, he cut it off â€â€Å" â€Å"†Pettigrew

Friday, August 21, 2020

Grainger Library at 4 a.m.

Grainger Library at 4 a.m. After taking both Computer Engineering and Statistics courses for one year, I finally decided to apply for a dual major degree my sophomore year. Being a dual major student means having a lot of work. Even though I am not taking ECE 374 or ECE 391 (those are two very difficult courses, and everyone who has taken them  recommends to mark them as 10 credit courses because of the heavy workload), I still have plenty of work in both my ECE and STAT classes. Last week, I had the heaviest workload ever in this semester: four pieces of homework, two labs, one demonstration, one midterm, and my job as a grader. Therefore, I decided to stay at Grainger Library until I finishes most of my work in order to have some time to do some review for my upcoming midterm. I finally got my work done at about 3:50 in the morning, and there were still plenty of people studying. Most of them were pretty serious and concentrating on their own work. I carefully collected my stuff trying not to bother them. When I left the library, I looked back and enjoyed Grainger Library’s brightly lit image. Grainger Engineering Library is my favorite library for sure because it provides various options for us. If I want to take  a break while  studying with my friends, I can choose to sit at the food area on the first floor and enjoy a cup of coffee from Espresso Royale. It is also the right place to have a quick meal and get back to study right after eating. If I want to finish a group project for a class, I can go to the fourth  floor or even reserve a room for two hours. The group study rooms have a big table, a sufficient amount of chairs, a whiteboard, and a TV for presentations. If I want to study alone quietly with light and enough power plugs, I can spend the whole day on the second or third floor. There is also an Engineering Workstation Lab on the lower floor (also on the  fourth  floor), and it provides computers with Windows or Linux systems and tons of useful software. Moreover, Grainger Engineering Library is open  24 hours on weekdays! All those reasons make this library a prefect place for studying really, really hard. When I became a sophomore, I started to understand the big difference between Chinese colleges and American colleges. It is really hard to get into Chinese colleges, but it is easy to graduate because students only need 60/100 to pass courses and they get a chance to retake  finals. In contrast, American students need to work really hard and actually learn a lot during their college life. I really cherish my opportunity to chase my dream to be an engineer. And, of course, I suggest everyone stay healthy and go to bed earlier. ?? Connie Class of 2018 I am double majoring in Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering and Statistics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. My hometown is a historical and peaceful city called Suzhou, located in southeastern China.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Emotions in Composed Upon Westminster Bridge and Pied Beauty

ESSAY QUESTION: WITH REFERENCE TO COMPOSED UPON WESTMINSTER BRIDGE BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH AND PIED BEAUTY BY G.M HOPKINS DICUSS THE REASON FOR THE POETS AWE AND ADMIRATION, AND HOW EACH POET EMPLOYED METHODS AND TECHNIQUES TO EXPRESS THESE EMOTIONS. ( This is an AS (6 form/ year 12) essay question) The two poems Pied Beauty by G.M. Hopkins and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth are both an expression of awe and admiration. In Pied Beauty Hopkins admires the beauty of the world and Gods creation, the diversity, impurities and range of all that is on earth, techniques such as juxtapositions, rhetorical questions and imperatives are used to imply this. Wordsworth feels awe and admires the†¦show more content†¦or the side of a trout. Everything is beautiful that is God?s creation. Hopkins marvels the impurities of the world ?whatever is fickle, freckled? and how ever thing is different and unique. He see everything is linked whether it is natural of man-made all are part of god creation Juxtapositions and contrasts are used in the poem to show how everything in the world can be beautiful, no matter how different. For example the line ?swift, slow, sweet, sour, adazzle, dim? are examples of this. They are all opposites thing but all are placed together and beautiful. The rhetorical question in line 8 ?who know how is implying that he doesn?t know how things work and how God created them. This creates an effect of spiritual mystery over Gods purpose and design. This in turn increases the awe as he cannot see the details of God?s plan. A technique used by Hopkins is imperative he uses this to portray the idea that you must worship God ?Praise him?, ?Glory be to God?. This imperative encourages the reader to share the poet?s admiration William Wordsworth admires the beauty of the natural world when it?s in harmony with the made-made world. Wordsworth found a moment of tranquillity between the natural and man-made world. He is awe-struck by the huge diversity of activity spread out before him, all ?steep(ed)? in the beautiful sunrise. He feels the city is like a woman wearing a beautiful ?garment?. He

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Revelation

Southern gothic is a type of literature that focuses on the harsh conflicts of violence and racism, which is observed in the perspective of black and white individuals. Some of the most familiar southern authors are William Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor, and Cormac McCarthy. One author in particular, Flannery O’Connor, is a remarkable author, who directly reflects upon southern grotesque within her two short stories, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† and â€Å"Revelation.† These two short stories are very similar to each other, which is why I believe that O’Connor often writes with violent characters to expose real violence in the world while tying them in with a particular spiritual insight. The first short story that O’Connor refers to with†¦show more content†¦The grandmother feels that God provides the answer to any underlying problems, and the Misfit knows and feels that all of the horrible things he has done are truly not conside red morally wrong from his perspective. Towards the end, when the grandmother experienced an epiphany before the Misfit shot her in the chest she stated, â€Å"Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children† (11). This made the grandmother realize that she was expressing the true Christian belief that we are all seen as equal in the eyes of God, no matter how murderous someone may be. O’Connor’s use of spiritual insight stripped away the grandmothers self-centeredness, and helped her discover the ability to see others with compassion and understanding. Nonetheless, within â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† O’Connor provides great amount of spiritual insight in her short stories mainly as a way to connect her characters with God and to make them recognize the true meaning of individual equality. The concept of judging other individuals based on their looks and class status is a reflection seen within Flannery O’Connor ’s short story called â€Å"Revelation.† In this story O’Connor illustrates a women who is extremely arrogant, and believes that she is superior to others because of her white skin and wealth. ThisShow MoreRelatedFlannery O’Connor’s short stories â€Å"A good man is hard to find† and â€Å"Revelation† share many700 Words   |  3 PagesFlannery O’Connor’s short stories â€Å"A good man is hard to find† and â€Å"Revelation† share many similarities. While â€Å"A good man is hard to find† is about a family that goes on a vacation that ultimately results in all of their deaths. â€Å"Revelation† is about a woman who is very judgmental and looks down on people. In the end both characters have revelations that contrast with who they are and how they portray themselves to the world. The protagonist in ‘Revelation† is Mrs. Turpin, and she depictsRead More Violence Leading To Redemption In Flannery OConnors Literature1482 Words   |  6 PagesViolence Leading to Redemption in Flannery OConnors Literature Flannery OConnor uses many of the same elements in almost all of her short stories. I will analyze her use of violence leading to the main character experiencing moral redemption. The use of redemption comes from the religious background of Flannery OConnor. Violence in her stories is used as a means of revelation to the main characters inner self. The literature of Flannery OConnor appears to be unbelievably harsh and violentRead More Flannery OConnor: A Twentieth Century Fiction Writer Essay829 Words   |  4 Pageswritten about Flannery OConnors short stories and novels. There is a significant amount critical analysis about Flannery OConnor because she used so many styles that have not been used before. Flannery OConnor ranks among he most important American fiction writers of the twentieth century. Flannery OConnor was born in 1925 in Savannah, Georgia, and lived there until her family moved in 1938. OConnor and her family moved to a small Georgia farming town named Milledgeville. When Flannery was 15 yearsRead MoreO’Connor’s Use of Dynamic Grace979 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout many of O’Connor’s short stories, a theme of religion and morality can be easily found. O’Connor’s stories explore a notion of struggles between her story’s main characters and their sacrilegious faults; these characters are typically depicted with the fatal-flaw of a superiority complex. This is of course, ironic due to the fact that many of these characters believe themselves to be pious Christians and though this entails that they should not retain a judgmental nature, they do so anywaysRead MoreFlannery O’connor’s Use of Symbolism, Theme, and Religion1057 Words   |  5 PagesFlannery O’Connor’s Use of Symbolism, Theme, and Religion In this essay I will be covering the similarities, differences, and uniqueness of theme in three of Flannery O’Connor’s short stories. The stories I will be discussing are A Good Man is Hard to Find, Revelation, and Good Country People. O’Connor was considered to be a type of religious propaganda. At least one character in her stories had a name or behavior that reflected religion. Her stories most often had an aggressive twist to them.Read More Comparing Pride in A Good Man is Hard to Find, Good Country People and Revelation989 Words   |  4 PagesPride in A Good Man is Hard to Find, Good Country People and Revelation    Pride is a very relevant issue in almost everyones lives. Only when a person is forced to face his pride can he begin to overcome it. Through the similar themes of her short stories, Flannery OConnor attempts to make her characters realize their pride and overcome it. In A Good Man is Hard to Find, the grandmother is a typical Southern lady. This constant effort to present herself a Southern lady is where herRead MoreExploring Characters and Themes in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor1273 Words   |  6 Pages Exploring Characters in A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery OConnor once said of her writing, All my stories are about the action of grace on a character that is not very willing to support it, but most people think of these stories as hard, hopeless and brutal. This statement is especially true when matched with OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find, in which character plays such an essential role within the story. Through her characters, particularly the Grandmother and the MisfitRead More Flannery OConnor and William Faulkners Characters and Morality948 Words   |  4 PagesFlannery OConnor and William Faulkners Characters and Morality Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner refuse to surrender to the temptation of writing fanciful stories where the hero defeats the villain and everyone lives happily ever after. Instead, these two writers reveal realistic portrayals of death and the downfall of man. Remarkably, O’Connor and Faulkner’s most emotionally degraded characters fail to believe that an omnipotent deity controls their fate. This belief directly correlatesRead MoreEssay about O’Connor’s Works: An In-Depth Analysis2157 Words   |  9 Pagesstories. Usually these events create a base for which the author writes upon thus contributing to the author’s exceptional way of thinking. For example, author Terry Teachout says that â€Å"OConnors religious beliefs were central to her art† (Teachout 56). O’Connor’s religion played a crucial role in her writings. Flannery OConnor is regarded one of the major brief tale authors in United States literary p erforms. Among the thing that makes her work stand out to date is the boldness in her writing inRead MoreEssay on A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery Oconnor1150 Words   |  5 Pagesmany of Flannery O’Connor’s short stories. In many of her short stories, O’Connor exposes the dark side of human nature and implements violent and brutal elements in order to emphasize her religious viewpoints. In the short stores â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† and â€Å"Revelation†, O’Connor explicitly depicts this violence to highlight the presence and action of holy grace that is given to a protagonist who exudes hypocritical qualities. During the family trip in â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† to Georgia

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Trial Business Plan - 4029 Words

PathWay Business PlanKeval Shah | | * Executive Summary Business Overview PathWay is an innovative new start-up that has been formed with the intention of pioneering a new direction of pathology reporting which is faster and more accessible to healthcare professionals. The company has a great potential for growth and opportunity in the current evolving healthcare setting where digitalisation has become a key priority in the quest to improving healthcare outcomes for patients. Market Overview The importance of technology and information technology (IT) systems in meeting the challenges placed on the health care system is becoming increasingly apparent. The NHS is currently driving a technological revolution with the vision†¦show more content†¦He is currently studying the MSc. Technology Entrepreneurship course at UCL, has had large amounts of experiences in hospitals as a patient and as a visitor and has a keen interest and knowledge regarding the current processes entailed in the NHS. Keval is looking for a technical co-founder as well as a medical co-founder. The technical co-founder will have expertise in both the back-end and front-end of the solution. The technical co-founder should have a vast knowledge of Application Programming Interfaces and database engineering. He will be able to apply insights we gather to makes sure the user experience of the solution is the heart of the problem The medical co-founder will ensure that solution is targeted and addressed appropriately within the healthcare setting and at the same time will provide relevant connections to the NHS Trust board members of the respective hospitals we intend to target. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Business Overview 2 Market Overview 2 Product Overview 2 Competitor Analysis 2 Business Model 3 Team 3 2. Business Description 6 1.1 What is the PathWay concept? 6 1.2 What makes PathWay unique? 6 1.3 PathWay’s approach to Market 6 2 Problem Solution Fit 7 2.1 The Problem 7 2.2 The Solution 7 3 Market 9 3.1 Market analysis 9 3.2 Customer Research 9 3.3 Competitors 10 3.4 Competitive Advantage 12 3.5 Marketing and Advertisement 13 4 Strategy 14 4.1 Business Goals 14Show MoreRelatedStrategic Report On Strategic Information System Planning Essay1333 Words   |  6 Pagesalliance s Information System masterminding ought to be changed by general business thinking, and occasionally may even change into a making wellspring of high ground. While anybody can t avoid denying this, operations alliance examiners are for the most part beginning to concentrate how this system happens and what the quantifiable inspirations driving interest are. An issu e under examination is the path by which a maker s business strategy, depicted as either market centered or operations centeredRead MoreTESOL english answers Essay8761 Words   |  36 Pagesclear idea of learners needs in Business TESOL than in General English? 2.Describe the difference between an organization’s need and the cognitive needs of an individual? 3.Why is it important to consider the learners cultural background and interest when planning a class? 4.How can online sources and other electronic tools play important roles when designing and delivering a business class? 5.How can the lexical method be used to teach grammar points with business vocabulary in context. Give anRead MoreThe Negotiation Of The Furniture Store And My Manufacturing Business1034 Words   |  5 PagesIn this particular instance, from my perspective as the furniture manufacturer, I believe that negotiation would be the best means by which to solve the problem. 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Introduction Financing in hospitality industry, like in many other industries is of utmost importance and should be handled with extreme caution as it represents success or failure of the business. The following paper focuses on the most important aspects in financing in hospitality. 1.1. Available options for finances in hospitality Options Advantages Disadvantages Banks †¢ Relatively low interests rates. †¢ With adequate collateral loans from banks can be used as capital. †¢ RequireRead MoreBusiness Case Analysis1001 Words   |  5 PagesIn this particular situation, from my perspective as the furniture manufacturer, I believe that negotiation would be the best means by which to solve the problem with the store owner. By using negotiation, the furniture store and my manufacturing business may be able to reconcile and continue dealing with each other after we have resolved the issue. 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Invading one’s personal business, however, can likely do more harm than good. It is a personal right for one to keep to himself. It should not be a person’s concern to pry into any part of another’s life. In setting a precedent for the story, Miller writes, â€Å" is too much toRead MoreMintzberg’s Concept of 5 Ps1219 Words   |  5 Pagesto Mintzberg, the 5 Ps are Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position and Perspective. Mintzberg stated that none of the Ps â€Å"take precedence over the others and could be inter relatable and complement each other†. To view strategy as a Plan refers to how strategies are often intended to be, or the formation of strategy. In Mintzberg’s own words, Plan is â€Å"a consciously intended course of action†. Ploy, can be recognized a sub-plan of a strategy. Ploy can originate from the initial plan. A ploy refers to a tacticRead MoreCase Analysis : Taser International, Inc. V. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Mending Wall free essay sample

The Wall Between Neighbors The poem, Mending Wall by Robert Frost, is mostly about a wall between neighbors. The wall is a metaphoric, as well as literal element in the poem. The speaker conveys not only the differences between himself and his neighbor, but the implications of those differences. The speaker is on one side of an issue/wall and the neighbor is on the other. The speaker conveys the difference between his neighbor and himself. The wall symbolizes the split of personalities and properties between the neighbors. He is all pine and I am [an] apple orchard, the speaker says. He also says that my apple trees will never get across and eat his pines. Referring to the wall, the speaker means that nothing on his property will be any harm to his neighbors property or belongings. When the neighbor says Good Fences make good Neighbors, his difference in opinion shines through. We will write a custom essay sample on The Mending Wall or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The speaker believes he doesnt need the wall, he doesnt understand what he was walling in or walling out. However, his neighbor believes the opposite. He has a reason for the wall. His fathers saying was Good Fences make good neighbors, so he doesnt want to undermine his fathers beliefs. The neighbor, in the speakers eyes, does not believe he can think for himself. The speaker however, has his own set of beliefs, not guided through a parent figure. He thought for himself and did not let anyone influence his beliefs; which lead to how their personalities differ along with their beliefs. Because of the differences of both neighbors personalities and actions have implications of their own. The wall is the symbol of the metaphorical splitting of beliefs, as well as the literal splitting of properties. When the speaker talks about the pine and apple tree, he is using imagery. By imagining the plants, the reader is better able to see the split in personalities. He is implying that the neighbor believes separate properties are better. The neighbor does not want to know his neighbors on a personal level. Getting along by being friendly is good for him. For the neighbor, the wall symbolizes separation, not getting too involved with the neighbors, and having privacy. His/his fathers saying, Good fences make good neighbors, means the neighbors wont be too involved in his business. In reality, no one can pick all of their neighbors. The neighbor may not have to like his neighbor, but he does have to live next to him, which is why he keeps a friendly but distant relationship. The man likes his privacy. In contrast, the speaker believes mostly the opposite. He doesnt mind seeing his neighbors, or them seeing him. The speaker is under the impression that a wall is meant to keep something in or out. For the speaker, the wall symbolizes imprisonment, animal fencing, and a barrier. He is not an animal. Not having a wall is okay with the speaker because the mending of the wall is a pain. His hands hurt afterwards and wear them rough. Despite all the work, the neighbor will mend the wall every year to keep his privacy. Both of the neighbors have a different personality which translates to their feelings of the wall. The difference between the speaker and his neighbor are apparent when you look at their feelings toward the wall. On the one side, the speaker does not want the wall or find its necessity, but on the other, the neighbor needs the wall for privacy. When the two mend the wall, their true diverse personalities stand out because the words exchanged reflect their beliefs on the wall. The speaker conveys not only the differences between himself and his neighbor in this poem, but the implications of those differences.

Monday, March 9, 2020

The eNotes Blog Decembers Teachers Corner Column Are We Expecting Too Much, TooSoon

Decembers Teachers Corner Column Are We Expecting Too Much, TooSoon Teacher’s Corner is a monthly newsletter from just for teachers. In it, experienced educator and contributor Susan Hurn shares her tips, tricks, and insight into  the world of teaching. Check out this month’s Teacher’s Corner column below, or sign up to receive the complete newsletter in your inbox at . I recently read an article by Laura Katan  in which she shares an anecdote I keep thinking about. At a fair, Katan saw a ten-year-old boy and his mom pass a massage vendor, and she heard the mother ask her son, â€Å"Do you want a massage? It may relax you.† Katan recalls she was â€Å"incredulous† as she overheard the comment. â€Å"Since when do 10-year-olds need to relax?† she asks. Well, apparently now. In fact, there seems to be a lot of kids who need to relax, and most of them are in our classrooms.    A growing body of research indicates that we are demanding too much of kids, too soon. In the name of â€Å"rigor† and in the pursuit of high scores on standardized tests, we’re often getting ahead of their natural growth and development- and by â€Å"we,† I don’t mean teachers. Teachers know how the fallout from too much, too soon impedes learning, but their judgment rarely influences educational policy and administrative mandates. Classroom teachers, however, aren’t the only ones who are ringing alarm bells. According to the Alliance for Childhood, a nonprofit that advocates for children, pushing kids too far, too fast is evident now even in kindergarten curriculums. Consider this passage from Crisis in the Kindergarten, a 2009 report released by the Alliance: Children now spend far more time being taught and tested on literacy and math skills than they do learning through play and exploration . . . . Many kindergartens use highly prescriptive curricula geared to new state standards and linked to standardized tests. In an increasing number of kindergartens, teachers must follow scripts from which they may not deviate. These practices, which are not well grounded in research, violate long-established principles of child development and good teaching. It is increasingly clear that they are compromising both children’s health and their long-term prospects for success in school. A friend of mine summed it up succinctly: â€Å"The kids don’t get to color anymore.† Here’s the full report, Crisis in the Kindergarten.  In â€Å"Reimagining Kindergarten,† Elizabeth Graue raises the same concerns and arrives at the same conclusions. â€Å"Kindergarten is now built on a model of content,† she writes, â€Å"rather than on the needs of children.† Read her article at this link. So, kindergarten has become first grade, first-graders are now expected to read, second grade focuses on third-grade testing, and to make more time for instruction in chasing test scores, recess has been eliminated in many elementary schools. One encouraging development, however, is that the push to get rid of recess is losing steam. This report from Scholastic  on how recess makes kids smarter  offers an update. Middle school and high school? Lots of middle schoolers are taking classes once reserved for the high school curriculum, and many high school kids are taking so many Dual Credit and AP courses that essentially they are going to college before graduating. When you go to college in high school, when do you go to high school? And what is the goal here? To have kids with Ph.D.’s by the time they’re twenty-two? Seriously! When can kids be kids and teenagers teens? It’s no wonder the mom back at the fair offered to buy her ten-year-old a massage to alleviate his stress! Many students are developmentally mature enough to do fine and even excel when pushed to the max in the classroom. Many, however, are not, and even though they can’t articulate that they’re overwhelmed, they express it- in the inability to concentrate or stay on task, in rowdy behavior or quiet withdrawal, and in passive-aggressive self-defense. Some kids simply shut down and refuse to engage until prompted, and prompted, and finally reprimanded. What appears to be a discipline problem is often a manifestation of academic demands getting ahead of natural growth and development. For instance, why do some kids persist in taking their mechanical pencils apart and playing with the pieces? Just to drive their teachers crazy? Probably not. Things being what they are right now, what can be done in the classroom to alleviate students’ stress? Here are a few suggestions: On the board, list what will be done in class; the unknown can be scary. Give kids â€Å"brain breaks,† a time-out to process information; let them talk it over with a partner, write a brief response, or sketch a simple picture, chart, or graph. Incorporate some humor in lessons, activities, and tests. Cartoons are fun and can be subject-appropriate. Allow for movement and fidgeting; give kids hands-on activities with things to hold and manipulate; let them build something or create a physical product. Build in transition time between lessons rather than racing from one to another. Use some activities that call for students to visualize something they enjoy or find restful. Eliminate extraneous noise, and play quiet background music during work time. Lots of kids are not used to silence, and it makes them uncomfortable. Beat the system! Design activities you know are good for your students, and then work backwards to find some standards they meet. For more tips, check out  and â€Å"5 Easy Ways to Reduce Student Stress in the Classroom† at And here’s a suggestion to relieve your own stress. Forget about school and have a great winter break! Happy Holidays! Susan

Friday, February 21, 2020

Landmines in Vietnam and War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Landmines in Vietnam and War - Research Paper Example Claiming over five hundred victims a week, landmines are weapons of mass destruction in slow motion† (Relief Web 2011). It can be clearly seen that landmines have become a threat in the society and should be removed on humanitarian grounds. U.S participation in Vietnam was extremely controversial and consequently it was considered to be an awfully unstable country during the late 1950’s and 1960’s. All through the Vietnam War, landmines were utilized by the United States plus the North South Vietnamese military. Majority of the landmines were placed intentionally and were created commercially by china and the U.S, yet, as a minimum one- third of these were made spontaneously by locals. These landmines that Vietcong made were formed on the battleground with bamboos and volatile weapons of American armaments that did not detonate. Since the nature of the Vietnam War was guerilla, the conventional blockade theory of the landmine was no more applicable so as a result the armed forces invented a new use for those landmines. These landmines were released from the planes to occupy bigger areas as scattered landmine orderliness put in a new aspect to the grounds of mine war. According to Sarah Elizabeth â€Å"properly employed, scattered landmines provides the commander with a rapid, flexible and effective means for delaying, harassing, containing or canalizing the movement of enemy ground forces while simultaneously reducing the significant manpower and material requirement previously associated with the employment of landmines† this new method altered the use of landmines from being a protective and defending weapon to an offensive one. Landmines are distinctively ferocious in the time of recent or traditional war not just for the reason of their horrifying personal effect, but additionally because of their lasting societal and monetary obliteration. The Vietnam Battle rutted America opposed to communism and was an unforgettable model of a conflict that can be identified as a cold war. The mere thought of Vietnam beginning the procedure of changing to communism was unacceptable to America. As Johnson on 17, March, 1964 issued the national security memo that stated â€Å"to pressure an independent, non-Communist south Vietnam which is necessary to prevent all Southeast Asia from turning communist and prove to the rest of the world that communist wars of national liberation could be curtailed.† This statement eloquently provided the reason for the war in Vietnam and encouraged and intensified the American involvement (Smits 2007). By dropping these landmines from the plane the U.S military gained an advantage since they were able to scatter it over a large area. Moreover this new technique needed very less manpower since it only required a trained pilot. These landmines were positioned inside the territory of the enemy without the possibility of causalities of the American force. According to Mc Grath â€Å"usin g landmines as an offensive weapon by dropping them from airplanes enshrined the area-denial philosophy into military thinking.† The area denial viewpoint initially executed the region’s larger areas under war, futile to the opponent by layering it with weapons. It was anticipated that in 1965, seventy percent of sea killing was the consequence of the landmines and additional entraps created from these weapons. Vietnam

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

ECN 302 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ECN 302 - Essay Example Over half of the Americans have a contrary view and claim that all the government intervention achieves is causing more damage than benefits, while six percent believe that it had no effect and 17% were found to be unsure (Fox, 2012). In a contemporary era, whereby auto bailouts, maximum debt and Dodd-Frank reform, interventions by the government, seem to be the Obama administration’s solution option, according to the article. The article claims that this stand has created a deep partisan gap between supporters and the opposition of the viewpoint. It highlights that the proposition is gains support mostly from democrats while most republicans and independents oppose the approach. It further explains that more divisions resulted due to class differences, as the wealth class claimed that economy management by the government was helpful while the middle class respondents believed that government control destroyed the economy (Fox, 2012). The model states that the economy will be boosted when the governments spends enormous sums of borrowed funds. The article highlights these as it highlights how the $787 stimulus package involves federal tax reductions and expenditures on infrastructure and other government projects. These will help to address the recession crisis. The model is used to address the sluggish US economy more with the current

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Essay Of Benefits Of Technology In Education English Language Essay

Essay Of Benefits Of Technology In Education English Language Essay Using the new technology in education has become a center point of many researches and studies. Modern education has to combine with modern technology to come up with best results. The teacher and the student both can use the technology to enhance the teaching and learning strategies. On the other hand, many people are worried of the possible harmful effects of using technology in the classroom or at home. Will children lose their ability to relate to other people? Will they become dependent on technology to learn? Will they find inappropriate materials? The same was probably said with the invention of the printing press, radio, and television. All of these can be used inappropriately, but all of them have given humanity unlimited access to information which can be turned into knowledge. Appropriately used- interactively and with guidance- they have become tools for the development of higher order thinking skills. To begin with, TV the invention that helps us to get useful information in easiest way. I think, the most important advantage of television is that it is a huge source of informations, knowledge and entertainment. (wojtas Dodano, 2003). Although TV is not a new invention, people try to find many new ways to use it as a communication tool. Some of the TVs benefits that it may help the learners in different ways. For example, the learner of English Language -or any other language- can find a collection of programs, movies, series, documentary and educated programs and channels that they can use to learn the language they want. Moreover, TV is an easy, cheap, and available tool to communicate with all over the world and know the latest news anytime anywhere. To focus more on language learning, TV can help in many ways. For example, the learner can watch the movie while reading the subtitles, or watch a simple language program to strengthen the listening skills. TV can also present many different shows, not only entertainment, but also News, documentary programs, educated programs, historical and scientific movies. Secondly, the internet, which become the most popular technology these days. It can be consider as the best way to keep in touch with friends from all countries over the world. In other words, the internet makes our earth as a small village. It actually has so many benefits; we can mention here the use to search for information and data for academic purposes. Students can always use the internet to get more information for their researches. It also became a popular way to communicate, you can send emails, use chat, voice chat, or even video chat with your friends and family. If we take a closer look, internet is playing an essential role in education nowadays. In his article, Muthukumar said that the Internet is a complex storage area containing a huge maze of information from a variety of sources. It has become a famous source of information for many people worldwide. The Internet wave has also hit the educational landscape in many big ways. The use of technologies such as the Inter net as a teaching tool in schools is not the issue now since it is pervasively used. Relatively, the issue is how to effectively employ such technologies and harness fully the new opportunities created by them to promote positive student learning experiences. Computer assisted learning is being widely used by teachers and studied by researchers. Teachers use computers inside classrooms and give the students assignments to integrate the technology with the homework. A number of studies have been done concerning how the use of computer for language learning affects the development of language learners four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Most report significant gains in reading and listening and most CALL programs are geared toward these accessible skills because of the current state of computer technology. However, most reading and listening software is based on drills.  On the other hand, using current CALL technology, even with its current limitations, for the development of speaking abilities has gained much attention. There has been some success in using CALL, in particular computer-mediated communication, to help speaking skills closely linked to communicative competence (ability to engage in meaningful conversati on in the target language) and provide controlled interactive speaking practice outside the classroom.  Using chat has been shown to help students routines certain often-used expressions to promote the development of automatic structure that help develop speaking skills. This is true even if the chat is purely textual. The use of videoconferencing gives not only immediacy when communicating with a real person but also visual cues, such as facial expressions, making such communication more real. However, when it comes to using the computer not as a medium of communication (with other people) but as something to interact with verbally in a direct manner, the current computer technologys limitations are at their clearest. Right now, there are two fairly successful applications of automatic speech recognition (ASR) (or speech processing technology) where the computer understands the spoken words of the learner. The first is pronunciation training. Learners read sentences on the screen and the computer gives feedback as to the accuracy of the utterance, usually in the form of visual sound waves.  The second is software where the learner speaks commands for the computer to do. However, speakers in these programs are limited to predetermined texts so that the computer will understand them. Finally, Cell phones are having a great influence in our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Cell phones are a faster and more effective way to transfer information. Indeed, it is a resource that gives its users great advantages. (Gupta, 2010). mobile phones are the fastest way to communicate with people, and it can save many things with its pocket size. Mobiles are mainly used as a tool to make calls and send short messages. However, nowadays they have been developed so much to be a device with multi-purpose use. As example, we can connect to the internet through mobiles. We can also use some applications in the system like GPS, dictionary, entertainments, and others. Mobile phones with cameras are now very popular also that anyone can use the camera to take pictures and videos when they have special events. These were the benefits of using the cell phones in general. However, if we want to narrow down the usage to the learning part, we can find many examples on how we ca n use our mobile phones in language learning. As example, many cell phones nowadays have special applications for learning and communication. We can use our cell phones as a dictionary if needed, while we can also use the cellphone to access to the internet anytime anywhere. A powerful tool to improve their education is already in kids hands.  Cell phone  delivery of knowledge to learn could richly supplement traditional book/print methods obsolete very soon. The two key factors are: 1. The students already have the cell phones in developed countries and are getting them very fast even in the least developed parts of the world. 2. Multimedia technology is maturing quickly on the  cell phone  screens. A very immediate and practical way to improve education for kids right now is to push getting learning material to the  cell phone  screens!   To sum up, technology has many faces and means, and we should choose the appropriate use of technology to get the most benefits of it. We have to lead the technology, and dont let the technology leads us. TV, Internet, and mobiles are some examples of technologies we cant ignore using them in our daily life, and to follow the speed track you need to follow the speed of the technology. Using technology in education has become a fact in our lives. Advantages and disadvantages are issues to be further investigated in future researches.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Essay --

Less than 1% of the water supply on earth can be used as drinking water. By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount. About 25,700 litres (6,800 gallons) of water is required to grow a day's food for a family of four. A child dies every 8 seconds from water-related disease. Groundwater can take a human lifetime just to traverse a mile. A person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water. If a human does not absorb enough water dehydration is the result. Most of the earth's surface water is permanently frozen or salty. If all the world's water were fit into a gallon jug, the fresh water available for us to use would equal only about one tablespoon When water contains a lot of calcium and magnesium, it is called hard water. Hard water is not suited for all purposes water is normally used for. An acre of corn will give off 15,000 litres (4,000 gallons) of water per day in evaporation. A small drip from a faucet can waste as much as 75 litres of water a day. Of all the water on earth, o...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Report on Intelligence and link to Gender

In my study I am traveling to speak about intelligence: specifying the word intelligence, IQ proving and theoreticians work on intelligence, if there is any grounds linked with gender differences in intelligence. I will include possible factors that may impact gender differences in intelligence for case environmental and biological factors. The methods I will utilize to acquire grounds for this study are as follows ; I will utilize books on what theoreticians findings are on this topic, use the cyberspace and diaries. The intent of this survey is to happen out, if there are any possible differences between gender, and associating this to intelligence. Encarta dictionary definition of intelligence ‘is the ability to larn facts and accomplishments and use them ‘ . Deary ‘s ( 2001, p.17 ) definition of intelligence ‘is a really general mental capableness that, among other things, involves the ability to ground, program, work out jobs, think abstractly, comprehend complex thoughts, learn rapidly and larn from experience ‘ . Galton ‘s familial mastermind is to make with the different degrees of intelligence measured by familial factors. Galton thought that higher intelligence was being passed down to kids. Day, Macaskill, & A ; Maltby ( 2007 p.258 ) province that ‘intelligent people show the ability to react to the big scope of information gained through their senses ‘ . So the 5 senses of the human organic structure are critical such as odor, gustatory sensation, hearing, sight and touch because this will find how intelligent a individual may be, if they do non utilize their senses right, the individual will hold less intelligence than those who can for case, a individual does non cognize the difference between Sweet and salty. A babe ‘s gustatory sensation and odor buds are really good because, the babe will cognize when it is clip for dinner by utilizing their odor sense. Babies use gustatory sensation buds go od because when my brother was younger he would prefer to eat the sweet nutrient instead than the salt nutrient, it would take him longer to eat the salty nutrient, on the other manus when eating the sweet nutrient it wo n't take every bit long as the salt nutrient. Cattell ‘s mental trial is to make with mensurating a individual ‘s intelligence through hearing and weight these experiments were carried out utilizing the psychometric theoretical account. Problems with this experiment Chamorro – premuzic ( 2007, p. 67 ) examined this and suggested that ‘ therefore, most of the variables he measured were more â€Å" elemental † than â€Å" mental † , and referred to really basic cognitive procedures that are now known to be related to intelligence ‘ . From this remark you can see that the experiment he did was more on the indispensable side of things such as how good child can hear and non based on mental accomplishments such as numeracy, jo bs work outing or literacy. The IQ trial was developed by two Gallic scientists, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, the intent of the trial was to measure kids at school so that stupid kids or kids with behavioral troubles could have equal and appropriate instruction. IQ proving is to make with mensurating your intelligence for illustration comprehension, job resolution and concluding accomplishments. Criticisms of IQ proving are as follows they do non accurately step intelligence, and everyone has different strengths and failings in different countries of intelligence, such as person could be good at job resolution, but have a failing in concluding accomplishments and another individual could be good at concluding accomplishments and non really good on job resolution. Howard Gardner ( multiple intelligence theory ) he put together eight different intelligence trials which were Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Nat uralist. Criticism of the Theory like many theories environing intelligence, Gardner ‘s theory of multiple intelligences is controversial and widely criticised. In peculiar, there is uncertainty over his deficiency observed informations – many feel that the 8 ‘intelligences ‘ are merely alternate names for specific endowments or even personality types. Methodology I have used books, the cyberspace and diaries to roll up my informations. This method of researching is called secondary research. Secondary research is the usage of stuff, which has been researched by person else. The different research methods for secondary research are as follows: engineering based and instance surveies. Technology based research is to make with researching from the computing machine to acquire your information, which has a batch of benefits such as the cyberspace provides on-line libraries ; e-books, diaries and encyclopedia. The chief electronic databases I have used for my research were as follows Psycinfo, Psychology & A ; Behavioural Sciences Collection and British ED index. The cardinal read was based on, intelligence and gender differences and how the hunt found a figure of diaries, but some were irrelevant, to what I was looking for. You can download information off the Internet but make certain it is copyright free. Search engines aid you through the mass of information on the Internet two most popular hunt engines are yahoo and google etc ; besides on the cyberspace you can seek for newspaper articles. Case surveies published by other research workers can be used as secondary footing of informations. There is a batch of ways you can utilize them such as identify differences and discuss comparings. I did non utilize primary research because this is to make with transporting out your ain research. The different research methods for primary research are interviews, experiments, questionnaires and observations etc. I did n't utilize this method because I did n't hold adequate clip to make this if I did I would hold done questionnaires to acquire my findings. Literature reappraisal There has been a batch of work done on intelligence and how this is linked to gender differences. Alan Feingold ( 1988 ) examined sex differences for spelling, verbal logical thinking, numerical ability, spacial relationship and linguistic communication and many more. Another individual who studied this was Larry Hedges and Amy Nowell ( 1995 ) , who looked at reading comprehension, vocabulary, mathematics, scientific discipline and spacial ability ( which is to make with the ability to retrieve things by looking at objects and retrieving them ) . Maccoby and Jacklin ( 1974 ) suggested that work forces on norm do better on trials of spacial ability than adult females do. Supporting this ( Feingold, 1988 ; Hedges & A ; Nowell, 1995 ) who have done surveies on spacial trials have proven this hypothesis. In contrast ( Feingold, 1988 ; Hedges & A ; Nowell, 1995 ) have similarities in their experiments for illustration they both tested numeracy accomplishments and literacy accomplishments. On the other manus adult females do better on reading comprehension and vocabulary than work forces do. APA study province that ‘some verbal undertakings show significant average differences favoring females. These include synonym coevals and verbal eloquence ( e.g. calling words that start with a given missive ) , with consequence size runing from d= 0.5 to 1.2 ( Gordon & A ; Lee, 1986 ; Hines 1990 ) ‘ . Males have larger encephalons than females and encephalon size is positively correlated with intelligence. Among kids up to the age of around 14 yr the sex differences are smaller because misss mature earlier than male childs. Work done by Lubinski and Humphreys ( 1990 ) found that the criterion of divergence for males to be 7 per centum larger than for females. It has besides been hypothesised that work forces ‘s higher IQ mark may be direct effect of their larger encephalon sizes, a claim that has been backed up by consistent grounds of correlativities in the p art of.30 between encephalon size and IQ tonss ( Rushton & A ; Ackney 1996 ) . Macintosh ( 2007, p. 184 ) provinces that ‘ the critics would hold been better advised to oppugn whether one can do reasonable illations about differences in IQ between groups from grounds of their differences in the encephalon plus grounds of a within-group correlativity between encephalon size and IQ ‘ . Environmental factor impacting intelligence environmental factors play a big function in finding IQ in certain state of affairss. Malnutrition correlates with lower IQ, proposing that proper nutrition in childhood is critical for cognitive development. ( Cole, 2000:26 ) Even before kids go to school their parents will handle a male child and girl really different. Even in society throughout history this has occurred. A batch of research has gone into this ; your gender is an issue from the minute you are born. Automatically society will state how a miss will act and how a male child will act . If it is a male child, oh he ‘s like that because he ‘s a male child and boys ever take longer to hold on it. The thought that intelligence and personality are mostly inherited has of import educational deductions. Environmental factors, e.g. household experiences, upbringing and schooling play a major function. ( Chamorro-Premuzic, 2008:99 ) . Biological factor impacting intelligence are as follows encephalon size, encephalon operation and testosterone. Testosterone is to make with males endocrines these are substances that travel around the human organic structure to consequence physiological activity, such as growing and metamorphosis Maltby et Al ( 2007, p.360 ) . Consequences or findings The figure below is from Hines ( 2003 ) and shows the magnitudes of some well-known sex differences in human behavior compared to the magnitude of the sex difference in tallness. hypertext transfer protocol: // This graph shows that work forces do good in 3-D rotary motion 0.8 divergence units, maths job 0.3 divergence units, maths concept 0.1 divergence units which non much because the consequence size is little. On the other manus this graph shows that verbal eloquence is low in male childs than misss because vitamin D is a negative figure, which shows -0.3 on the graph. This tabular array shows the spread in 1989 was merely 6 % but 10yrs later it had increased to 10 % . It is suggested by S. Ball ( 2008 ) that this spread is an overall statistic and non capable particular he suggests that in 2004 the divergences of this spread was merely 1 % and that in some topics boys achieve better consequences than misss therefore it is non valid to state that all male childs or all misss achieve less in Gcse degrees Discussion The of import issues that I have found are that male childs have bigger encephalon sizes than misss, which is linked to better IQ trial tonss for male childs than misss. Another issue that I found is that male childs tend to make better on spacial accomplishments ; they find mathematics and scientific discipline more interesting to larn about. But on the other manus misss to break on verbal, comprehension and vocabulary accomplishments than male childs do. The importance of this survey was to happen out ; if there were any differences between genders in intelligence besides I was interested in happening this out so I undertook my research study on this topic. During the procedure of garnering the information, it was really interesting to happen out that work forces have bigger encephalons than adult females, which gives them better IQ mark than adult females. Decisions and recommendations The intent of this survey is to happen out, if there are any possible differences between gender, and associating this to intelligence. From making my research in this field, I have found that there is non much difference between male and females and theoreticians have backed this statement up for many old ages. Neisser 1996 province that ‘most standard trials of intelligence have been constructed so that there are no overall mark differences between females and males ‘ . The chief issues that affect intelligence in gender: Boys do better on spacial trials than misss ; in contrast to this misss do better in verbal, comprehension and vocabulary accomplishments. Brain size of males is bigger than females encephalon size which consequences in work forces acquiring better IQ tonss than adult females. If I carry out this survey once more, I would do betterments to the research I have done, by making my ain research in this field to see what consequences I get from making this, I can make this by transporting out questionnaires on IQ. Another manner I could better my research is inquiring people to take the IQ trial. With these consequences I can compare them to one another, to happen out if there are any possible differences.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Three Theoretical Components Of Long Term Memory

POLLYANNA PATRIOTA DE ALMEIDA What are the three theoretical components of long term memory? For each component, describe a related clinical case of amnesia. Beyond the short intervals covered by sensory and working memories, the possible subdivisions of long-term memory have been controversial. However, the distinction between explicit and implicit memory has been generally incorporated into the accepted conceptual anatomy of memory researchers. Explicit memories are those for which the individual can retain an awareness of the circumstances of the event recalled. Implicit memories involve no conscious awareness but nevertheless, changes in the performance of subject in other ways show that the original event modified subsequent performance. The distinction between episodic and sematic memory was introduced by Tulving (1972) Tulving suggested that episodic memory was a system that received and stored information about when and where they had occurred. On the other hand, semantic memory was seen by Tulving as the memory necessary for the use of language. Tulving (1972) drew a distinction between episodic memory which contains a record of personally experienced events that have happened to us, and semantic memory which contains our general knowledge of the world and is more abstract in form. He considered these as a separate memory store, and in 1985 added a third store called procedural memory. Procedural memory according to Tulving (1985) is involved in tasksShow MoreRelatedThe Theoretical Framework Of Wm917 Words   |  4 Pagesis because of a deficit in her memory, specifically her working memory (WM). While memory is defined as the â€Å"storage of things learned and retained from an organism’s activity or experience† (Merriam-Webster, 2015), WM can be described as the cognitive systems that are required to temporarily store and manipulate information (Baddeley, 2012). This report provides an overview of the theoretical multicomponent WM framework as well as an in-depth look at one component of the framework, termed the phonologicalRead MoreThe Long Term And Short Term Memory1926 Words   |  8 PagesWilliam James, memory is a generalized concept that encompasses the long term and short term memory. Kendra Cherry, psychologist expert, defines long term memory as â€Å"storage of information over an extended period.† (Cherry n.d.) An individualâ₠¬â„¢s long term memory is structured by a semi-permanent chemical and the anatomical hippocampus. The hippocampus is in the center of both hemispheres of the brain and works in accordance with the amygdala to allow information to be imported to form memories. In relationRead MoreMemory Processses Essay examples1268 Words   |  6 PagesMemory Processes The human capacity for memory is unknown, and the process for remembering is an invisible, and therefore, an unsubstantiated concept. A discussion regarding the concepts of short-term, working, and long-term memory precedes an explanation of the encoding and retrieval in the memory processes. An evaluation of the variables associated with encoding and retrieval provides an understanding of the results from an online self-administered memory test. Although online memory assessmentsRead MoreBuilding Clock Speed Vs. Processor s Errand806 Words   |  4 Pages(CPU) or processor s errand is to Fetch guidelines, and to decode what to do, execute the appeal, and Store the results. To build clock speed, these three stages must be separated. This is with the goal that you don t need to hold up for each line in the processor to settle for the aftereffect of each direction. Much like a sequential construction system, each one piece of the guideline is decoded and sent through the processor in stages along the pipeline. More stages means speedier clock speedRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Ptsd1335 Words   |  6 Pagesis an anxiety disorder that can occur after the exposure to a traumatic event. It affects approximately 1 million Australians in any one year, and 12% of Australians will experience PTSD symptoms in their lifetime (Beyond Blue, 2015). A clinical component of PTSD is the painful re-experience of the traumatic event in the form of intrusive images, nightmares and flashbacks which are often accompanied with avoidant reactions and symptoms of arousal and distress (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)Read MoreThe Effect Of Music On Short Term Memory Essay998 Words   |  4 Pages The Effect of Music on Short Term Memory Jessie Eddins 12/12/16 Abstract. This experiment was tested to see whether music had an effect on short term memory. Listening to music while looking at objects will potentially distract the brain, no longer allowing it to hold the information viewed in short term memory. 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The main similarity of cognitive neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience is that they are both interested in brain-damaged patients and believe that different areas of the brain are highly specialised. For example, one of the main theoretical assumptions of cognitive neuropsychology states ‘modularity’, which means the modules in the cognitive system function independently, or separately of each other. (Eysenck and Keane 2015, p.6) In addition, it is also explained that these modulesRead MoreThe Foundation Of Interaction Hypothesis By Michael H. Long2045 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Since the foundation of Interaction Hypothesis by Michael H. Long in 1983, there has been a plethora of empirical research which has pointed to the benefits that L2 learning reaps from conversational interaction (Keck, Iberri-Shea, Tracy-Ventura, Wa-Mbaleka 2006; Li 2010; Lyster Saito, 2010; Mackey and Goo 2007; Russel and Spada 2006). Long (1981, 1983) asserted that comprehensible input, although necessary, is not sufficient in the process of L2 learning, and that through interactionRead MoreArticle Review of Improve Your Childs Memory: Why Remembering Is Key to School Success2476 Words   |  10 PagesArticle Review Introduction The article, Improve Your Childs Memory: Why Remembering is Key to School Success by John Hoffman, introduces the struggle many teachers, particularly elementary school teachers have with students retaining academic related information including facts for testable material. The author cites the ability of children to remember information that is important to them but to continued to struggle with memory when it comes to instructions from the teacher. Hoffman argues